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Classroom Activity: The Gallery of 1000 Buddhas

In Buddhist tradition, the replication of the image of the Buddha is an important way of spreading the word of Buddha, and of attaining merit for rebirth in the next life. Examples of this practice can be seen in Buddhist cave complexes around the world, including in the caves at Dunhuang where many of the artefacts displayed on IDP's online database were found.

Get involved and join this tradition by adding your own hand-drawn, painted or printed Buddha image to IDP's online gallery of 1000 Buddhas, and generate merit for yourself and everyone else who has contributed to the gallery so far.

See the 1000 Buddhas gallery.

Email your image in jpeg format to or send your Buddha image by post to:

Abby Baker
International Dunhuang Project
The British Library
96 Euston Rd,