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Useful Websites

IDP Education pages on Buddhism: IDP's education pages offer a wealth of material for those who want to teach or learn more about the Silk Road. Resources are intended to be adaptable for your own learning plan whether formal or informal and as a teacher or student of any age or culture.

British Library Online Gallery 'Turning the Pages': An interactive, virtual copy of the Diamond Sūtra enabling you to scroll through the manuscript and magnify the details. Also includes a recording of the sūtra being chanted.

The Museum of East Asian Art, Bath: Find information about school and family programmes plus downloadable, curriculum led resources about Chinese and Asian cultures, including a Buddhist loan box.

Silk Road Foundation: Website offering information on many aspects of Silk Road Culture including a timeline and history of Buddhism, explaining its spread along the Silk Road.

The Big View: Website offering an overview to philosophical topics. Includes a useful resource on Buddhist symbols and mudrās.

Silk Road Seattle: A public education project by the University of Washington using the Silk Road theme to explore cultural interaction across Eurasia.

DharmaNet: An educational and informational resource on all things Buddhist including extensive links to further reading.

Buddhanet: Useful Buddhist studies site by the Buddha Dharma Education Association, with various resources and interactive tools.

The Institute of Oriental Philosophy UK: Research and study centre focusing on Buddhism and working towards the public education and awareness of the religions and philosophies of Asia and their application in social and cultural life. Information on lectures, conferences and courses plus a substantial library on Buddhist Studies.

Silkthreads Cabinet of Curiosities: Artist led project site with downloadable images, sound clips and video from the Silk Road.

V&A Museum Education Pages: Comprehensive resource on Buddhism and Buddhist art aimed at students and teachers of Religious Education and Art and Design at UK KS3, from the V&A Museum.

The Clear Vision Trust: UK Buddhist audio-visual media project specialising in DVD and interactive online resources for Buddhism in your classroom.