Archaeology & the Discovery of the Dunhuang Caves
Artefacts as Evidence
Understanding Manuscripts
Camel with Monkey


The International Dunhuang Project was proud to welcome teachers of the Comenius Eurasia Project to the British Library on October 31st 2006.

Since 1994 The International Dunhuang Project has worked steadily towards the digital preservation and cataloguing of thousands of Silk Road manuscripts and artefacts held in institutions worldwide. As a digital project, the Internet is therefore central to our work and also provides a unique gateway into research for academic and recreational study at all levels.

This site focuses on using Internet technology to offer background information into the history of the collections held by the British Library and other institutions and their importance to students and scholars of all ages.

While acting as a useful resource in its own right, we hope that this site will encourage and inspire you to explore the Internet and research some of the topics raised in greater detail back in the classroom for yourselves.

If there are any Silk Road topics or tools which you would like to see on the IDP website, we would love to know. We welcome any feedback and suggestions you may have about improvements to the learning resources we offer. Please email your comments to us via the form provided or directly to Abby Baker

If you would like to join IDP's electronic mailing list please enter your details here.