Archaeology & the Discovery of the Dunhuang Caves
Artefacts as Evidence
Understanding Manuscripts
Stein surveying the Taklamakan Desert


Below are a number of useful sites for information on all aspects of Silk Road life and history.

The International Dunhuang Project

Channel 4 History - The Silk Route

British Library Online Gallery - The Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith.

The Silk Road: Connecting Cultures, Creating Trust. Produced by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage in partnership with the Silk Road Project, Inc.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Educational Resources

The Silk Roads, An Educational Resource. Education about Asia, Vol.4, No.1, Spring 1999.

Silk Road Seattle - Teaching and Learning Guides

The Silk Road Encounters Education Kit

Religions of the Silk Road: An Interview with Richard C. Foltz